The experienced members on our Board oversee our super fund, working to give you the best returns and ensuring your future financial security.

The sole purpose of ElectricSuper is to provide financial superannuation benefits to members. The Board is appointed to ensure that ElectricSuper fulfils this purpose and is properly administered in accordance with the ElectricSuper Rules.

All Board Members are required to manage ElectricSuper in accordance with the Trust Deed and ElectricSuper Rules and in the best interests of members and beneficiaries.

The Board and all ElectricSuper employees abide by the ElectricSuper Code of Conduct and we operate under a Values Statement. The Board also has a Fit and Proper Policy in place.

Our Board

The Board is made up of 9 members. Four members are appointed by employers. Two members are elected by ElectricSuper members. Two members are appointed by the United Trades and Labor Council of SA. The ninth member is an independent chairman appointed by the 8 other Board members. Of the members appointed by employers, there must be at least one man and one woman. The 2 members elected by ElectricSuper members must also be a man and a woman.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee oversees ElectricSuper’s investments, including the asset allocation and individual investment managers. The Committee provides advice to the Board on any changes that it considers necessary

Corporate Governance Committee

This committee makes sure we have all the right controls and procedures in place, as well as reviewing ElectricSuper’s compliance with all regulations.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is responsible for ensuring the Board has an effective skill set and composition to adequately discharge its responsibilities and duties.

View the Nominations Committee Charter

Future Committee

The Future Committee oversees all matters that allow ElectricSuper to stay agile and to continue to deliver the best possible outcomes for members in the longer term.

Retirement Income Strategy

The Board has a Retirement Income Strategy in place.

Identifying the needs of our members as they approach retirement, when they retire and their life in retirement is very important.

The needs, beliefs and expectations of members approaching retirement are often different to those of members already in retirement and all members are individuals with their own goals.

What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”

About us

We are a not-for-profit industry superannuation scheme for employees in the electricity supply industry and their spouses. Find out more about us and meet the people running our organisation, working to give you the best possible returns.

Learn more

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